223Ra-Radium Dichloride (Xofigo)

223Ra-Radium Dichloride (Xofigo)

Description 223Ra-Radium Dichloride (Xofigo), also known as Radium-223 dichloride, BAY88-8223, or Xofigo® (formerly 223Ra-Alpharadin), is a radioactive salt developed by Algeta ASA. It targets cancers that commonly metastasize to the bone. Unlike earlier radiotherapeutics, which were limited to pain palliation, 223Ra has demonstrated a significant improvement in overall survival (OS)… Continue Reading…

188Re-Rhenium Etidronate (HEDP)

188Re-Rhenium Etidronate (HEDP)

Description 188Re-Rhenium Etidronate, also known by its various designations such as 186Re-HEDP, hydroxyethylidene diphosphonate, 186Re-Etidronate, 188Re-Hydroxyethanediphosphonate, and 188Re-REK-1, is a radiopharmaceutical agent with significant applications in medical treatments. It is commercially available in India through BRIT/BARC for radiosynovectomy procedures. This compound is also being actively developed as a therapeutic agent… Continue Reading…